
A bit from Rochelle…

So I’ll put it out there, I love a good medical mystery… no, not the type on TV, but real life cases.

Here’s why I think Naturopaths are good at solving medical mysteries…

Naturopaths, unlike medical doctors, are not constrained by time limits set by Medicare… it is really hard for Dr’s these days to do everything they need to…they are accountable to the Government. We can take the time to take a really thorough history and make some associations that may not have been thought of.

Often in difficult cases, you are referred to numerous specialists who each look at their own area, but do the specialists get to discuss you as a whole? Naturopathic Medicine looks are disease holistically and treats the cause of your disease rather than just as a series of symptoms.

Let me be clear, I am in favour of liaison with Dr’s and specialists, they are integral in the pathway to determining the diagnosis of your medical mystery, however, taking a holistic approach to the investigation and treatment works really well

Now to toot my own trumpet….

As well as Herbal Medicine and Naturopathic knowledge, I have training in Clinical Immunology and Pathology as well as Neurophysiology from Melbourne’s top universities. I have also completed a Masters in Reproductive Medicine and a Masters in Women’s Health Medicine from UNSW. Throughout this journey, I have formed relationships with some of Australia’s top Naturopaths, Medical GP’s and Specialists all on my team to help assist you with your medical mystery!!

If you have a case for me to solve, please feel free to call on 0481 751 610 to book an appointment.

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